Local News

WEA Yorkshire & Humber Green Branch Conference

Please find the online programme Mon 28th March to Weds 30th March 2022. Access the training via zoom: https://the-wea.zoom.us/j/96370331879?pwd=cnFYak83eWdreER5VzFRdnU5V3F6UT09

ID: 963 7033 1879 / Passcode: 585413

Neighbourhood Plan March 2022 Update

Back in 2019 we undertook community engagement exercises to better understand key local issues and aspirations to help inform the scope and content of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Respondents to the community survey highlighted strong local preferences for bungalows and semi-detached houses in new developments, with less demand for larger homes. Respondents also highlighted a strong preference for starter homes.

Policies in the Neighbourhood Plan require robust evidence and justification. To support policies focused on the type and size of housing needed in Barton, additional evidence was required. A Housing Needs Assessment has recently been completed by AECOM. This assessment provides local-level information about the existing and future need for housing in Barton. The findings of this report support and align with the feedback gained at community consultation.

Key findings:

In order to provide the right houses to meet local needs, new housing developments should:

• Include a greater proportion of 1 and 2 bedroom properties.

• Include a greater proportion of 3 bedroom properties.

• Include a much lower proportion of 4+ bedroom properties.

This means that new housing developments will be required to provide a housing mix that better meets local needs. This will provide greater opportunities for first time buyers, young families, those on low-medium incomes, single person households, and those wishing to down-size or right-size.

The Neighbourhood Plan is currently being prepared and will be consulted on again shortly. Please keep an eye out for more news on the Facebook page and the Barton Town Council website. Barton Neighbourhood Plan | Facebook

Barton-Upon-Humber Food Festival – March 20th 2022

North Lincolnshire are hosting a “Foodfest” in Barton-Upon-Humber on Saturday 20th March 2022 between 11:00 – 18:00 in Cottage Lane Car Park. The Foodfest is a food market with particular focus on street food.

Reclaim the Night 2022

As part of the Safer Neighbourhoods initiative, please find more details on the North Lincolnshire Reclaim the Night Walk. This is a 2.9 mile guided walk around Scunthorpe Town Centre, free snapband and glow sticks for every walker. Contact saferneighbourhoods@northlincs.gov.uk for more information


“We all need a place to talk”

On 30th April 2021, at the age of 24, George ‘Geo’ Ellis a former Yorkshire Regiment soldier took his own life. The GEO group has been set up in George’s name to help serving and former service men talk amongst people who understand them.

Have you served in the armed forces? The Hull 4 Heroes GEO men’s support group for the serving and ex-armed forces, we understand. Most of us have served and are here to listen.

Every Tuesday, 18:00 starting 8th February at the Barton Cricket Club, Marsh Lane, Barton Upon Humber

North Lincolnshire Council February 2022 Forthcoming Meetings

Please download for more details for the upcoming February meetings held by North Lincolnshire Council regarding Licensing (3rd February); Planning Committee (9th February); Children and Education Scrutiny Panel (22nd February) and Meeting of the Council – Budget Meeting (24th February).

Discover Lincolnshire Weekend

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March 2022. Discover Lincolnshire is part of Visit England’s annual English Tourism Week. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your business to residents and visitors. The weekend is open to all Lincolnshire attractions, retailers or food and drink establishments. Email hello@visitlincoln.com with details on what you have planned or for more information visit www.visitlincoln.com/discover-lincolnshire

New Year New Me

Speak to health and wellbeing providers to access information about free activities on Tuesday 25 January between 1pm – 7pm at the Ashby Community Hub, Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2UT.

Winterton Heritage 2 Mile Trail Led Walk

Join the Ramblers Wellbeing Walks at 10:30am on Thursday 17th March 2022 for a 2 mile free led walk and talk around Winterton Heritage Trail.

Would you like support to promote your activities and services?