Author: Davis

North Lincolnshire Forthcoming Meetings January 2024

Barton Upon Humber December 2nd Town Market

It’s the final Barton Town Market of 2023 on Saturday 2nd December. Come along to the Market Place and Butchery between 08:00 and 14:00 for your fresh local produce, sweet treats and local crafts.

We will return in 2024 with our first market being held on Saturday 3rd February.

North Lincolnshire Council Forthcoming Meetings December 2023

Office Closure Thursday 23rd November 2023

The Town Council Office will be closed on Thursday 23rd November for one day and will be open on Friday 24th November as normal 9am until 1pm.

Planters, Beds and Lamp Post Planters

Specification for the Three year Contract

Planting and Maintaining all of the Town Beds, Planters and Lamp Post Planters

Further information and photos and locations will be provided upon request.

Remembrance Sunday Parade – 12 November 2023

The Mayor & Mayoress of Barton Upon Humber Charity Indian Banquet

The Mayor & Mayoress of Barton Upon Humber invite you to an Indian Banquet on Wednesday 8th November 2023, raising money for Barton Army Cadets and Barton Men in Sheds. Please email to secure your seats.

Barton Christmas Festival 2023

Please find an application form to download to apply for a stall at our upcoming Barton Upon Humber Christmas Festival. The event is being held in the High Street, Queen Street, Kings Street and George Street from Midday until 18:00. Please submit Insurance Certificates and Risk Assessment documents with this application. You will be invoiced on receipt of your application form. Please email or post your stall applications to Barton Upon Humber Town Council, The Assembly Rooms, Queen Street, DN18 5QP /

Kings Coronation Grant Funding 2023

Please click on the link for information on how to apply for up to £100 towards community events celebrating the Kings Coronation 2023.

Planters and Flower Beds

Invitation to quote for 2023/2024 planting and maintenance

The contract for the planting and maintaining of the Planters and Beds in the town is up for tender and a specification along with locations of all the planters can be obtained by emailing

Or Telephone

01652 633598


Closing date is Monday February 20th by 5pm