Volunteering in a Councillor role is a great way to serve the community. Getting involved with the local council can lead to new training opportunities, meeting lots of different people, helping out at local events and making a difference in the Community in lots of different ways. To be eligible you must be British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union, at least 18 years old and Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for at least 12 months before an election. Some great reasons as suggested by the Local Government Association to become a Councillor are:
- You can make a difference and help shape the future of the local community
- You have concern about your local area and wanting to ensure the community gets the right services
- You can represent the views of local people and ensure that community interests are taken into account
- You have concern about a specific issue and wanting to do something about it
- You have good ideas for the council and community in a time of scarce resources
- You can contribute your skills
- You can build on other community work through a charity, voluntary group or school governing body
To apply, please email townclerk@bartonuponhumbertowncouncil.gov.uk or for more information, please call 01652 633598. Applications will be considered at the next Full Council meeting due to take place on Wednesday 18th January 2023.