Help for the Homeless in Barton

Help for the Homeless in Barton

Immediate help is available in the town for homeless people.

Partly funded by Barton Town Council, there is a fund operated by Churches Together in Barton to give help to people who are homeless. The aim is to provide immediate assistance to people in our area to get a place in a hostel or travel to family or friends who can help.

Each of the four Churches have stocks of  rucksacks, essentials and fresh clothes. The clergy, and people in parish offices, can also involve lay members of their own churches.  Limited amounts of cash can be provided for food, coach or bus fares and overnight accommodation, while the North Lincolnshire Homeless Team is contacted to provide longer term solutions.

Contacts for the Barton and District Homeless project: are St Mary’s Vicarage 01652 632202, Trinity Clergy 01652 632148, Salvation Army 01652 632666 and St Augustine Webster 01652 652221. North Lincolnshire Council Homeless Team can be contacted on 01724 297000.